You.. you wanna link to my page?!

Want to link to my page?
Just cut and paste this HTML code into your web page to add your link:

<a href="">
<IMG SRC="" 
alt="Gamera is my buddy ol' pal!">

...and voila!  If you decide to link to me, feel free to drop me a note and let me know.  
I'll likely give you a plug on my site too!  If you want to link to one of my other sites... here's how:

For Wasabi Anime...

<a href="">
<IMG SRC="" 
alt="Wasabi Anime, San Diego's Anime Club">

For Temple of Yokyun...

<a href="">
<IMG SRC="" 
alt="Wai! Yokyun!">

Send me feedback, broken links, complaints, and gum!